You are here: Manage Listings > Revise Listings > Change the status of a listing

Change the status of a listing

To change the status of your listing

  1. From the Listings menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of your active listings display. (If you need to access listings that are not active, use the Status to Display field near the top of the page, then click the Search button to the right.)
  2. Locate the listing you want to change, and click the Revise icon for that listing. The Revise Listing menu displays.
  3. Under Listing Information, click Status Information. NOTE: If this link does not display, you may not have been assigned the corresponding access right. For more information or to request this access right, contact your broker.
  4. Select the new status and complete any other required fields.
  5. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

Entering Sold information — Your MLS may have rules set up preventing certain statuses from being changed to Sold. If you see an error message regarding this, you may need to change the listing to another status first (such as Pending), before changing it to Sold.

To change the status of another agent's listing — If you have the proper access rights, you can change the status of someone else's listing. See Modify another agent's listing for more information.

IMPORTANT: To change a status to sold, see Enter sold information.

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